Admission of foreign citizens to Bachelor degree programme
Specialty "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics", Profile program "Electrotechnical devices and electrotechnological complexes"
Admission of foreign citizens to Bachelor degree programme to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is carried out given:
- availability of full secondary education;
- successful entrance examination (interviews);
- university invitation.
The filing dates are from July, 1 to October, 15. Beginning of training since September 1.
List of documents that the applicants personally submit to the Center of International Education of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in paper form:
- a) application form;
- b) the document (the original and its copy) about the previously acquired educational (educational-qualifying) level, on the basis of which the introduction is made (during its first semester its nostrification is carried out);
- c) the application (the original and its copy) to the document about the previously acquired educational (educational-qualifying) level, on the basis of which the introduction is made;
- d) a copy of the passport document of a foreigner or a document certifying a stateless person;
- e) a health insurance policy, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine;
- f) a copy of the birth certificate;
- g) 6 photos in the size of 35 x 45 mm (colored, matte);
- h) certificate of graduation from the preparatory department.
Documents referred to in subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) must be translated into Ukrainian with a notarized translation of the certificate and certified in the country of issue in the manner that is officially used in this country for such certification and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine if the other is not provided by international treaties of Ukraine.
Entrance tests for admission for 1 course are from (for Specialty "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics", Profile program "Electrotechnical devices and electrotechnological complexes"):
- examination on mathematics
- examination on physics or chemistry
- examination on Ukrainian (Russian, English) language.
Terms of entrance examinations - from July, 3 till September, 30.
Foreign citizens who have received a certificate of full secondary education in Ukraine and certificates of foreign language training on the relevant subjects have the right to enter the first course of all forms of education without an interview on a competitive basis and on the basis of a signed agreement.
Profile program "Electrotechnical devices and electrotechnological complexes" is:
Future highly skilled specialists master computer engineering, computer simulation and computer design high-efficiency electrotechnology complexes, electrical appliances and electrical equipment for high-tech industries electric power, electromechanics, electrical engineering, industry, transport, agriculture, household and special purpose from using computer-integrated technologies and automation tools. A significant advantage of graduates is the quality of basic polytechnic knowledge, modern professional-oriented competences, fluency in a foreign language of professional orientation, which allows you to feel confident in international the labor market.
"Electrotechnological complex" is:
Technological processes that use electricity are called electrotechnology. They are implemented through electrotechnology complexes consisting of the following elements:
Automated Control System (ACS) and Local Automated Control Systems process parameters to ensure high quality performance;
Power Sources , which can serve as a power grid, stand-alone vehicles (electric cars, Segway, electric scooters, electric bikes, etc.), converter of any kind of energy into electricity (wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, thermocouples, etc.);
Electronic Converters with one parameter to Electricity with other parameters (inverters, pulse-to-pulse converters, rectifiers, transformers, etc.) to match the parameters of the power source with the parameters electrotechnical energy converter and control system;
Electrotechnical Energy Converter converts electrical energy to useful energy (technological) of another kind (mechanical, thermal, chemical, hydraulic, acoustic, light) for the implementation of the basic technological process;
Transmission Devices transmit "process" energy with one parameter to "process" energy from other parameters (mechanical reducers, multipliers, hydro-, pneumatic boilers, thermal energy sewer devices, cooling systems, etc.) for harmonization of the parameters of the electrotechnological energy converter with the parameters of the working machine;
Working Machines directly enables the implementation of the necessary work processes in a specific technological process;
Technological Facility that is subject to conversion as a result of technological operations. It is for him and the electrotechnological complex is being created.
The term "electrotechnological complex" is a rather voluminous term. It can be understood as a separate power substation energy systems, large industrial or small-scale private production. Examples of complexes: Electrotechnological complex of cable systems production high voltage, Electrotechnical complex for autonomous heat supply, Electrotechnical complex of industrial greenhouses, Electrotechnological complex of wind power installation, Electrotechnological complex of energy recovery of emissions, Energy efficient electrotechnological complex bakery, Electrotechnological complex of arc steelmaking furnace, Electrotechnological complex of production of electric vehicles, Electrotechnological complex for the production of solid biofuels.
"Electrotechnical device" is:
An electrical device is a device that uses electricity to convert it to any other energy. IN In today's society, most appliances are electrical, so people can't imagine their lives without them. Electrical appliances can be in as a single complete unit (coffee maker, electric bike) or basic components (solar panel, wind turbine, electric drive, transformer, circuit breaker) of electrical systems, electrical installations, any electrical circuits that ensure their overall functioning as a whole electrical system.
Electrical devices are elements of computers and microprocessor systems, mobile phones, computer hardware, and telecommunication networks, automation systems, power grids, automated electric drive, power supply systems, electric vehicles and electric transport, control systems, distribution, execution, protection, indication, etc. Thanks to them it is possible to create any electrical equipment complexity and purpose.