Scientific conferences
The lecturers of the department regularly take part in all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences and in scientific conferences and seminars, which are held on the basis of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation, in international conferences organized and supported by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Section of Ukraine.
Annually in November-December at the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the International scientific and technical conference of young scientists, postgraduate students and students "Modern Problems of the Electric Power Industry and Automation" is carried out. At the conference students of the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and other departments of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation present their reports, which they prepared together with lecturers of our department. All reports go through two stages of peer review at two different departments. The texts of the reports are tested for uniqueness (check for plagiarism).
The reports are published in the collection "Modern Problems of the Electric Power Industry and Automation" and are posted on the site The international scientific and technical journal of young scientists, postgraduate students and students "Modern Problems of the Electric Power Industry and Automation". Reports are indexed by Google Scholar. The reports of academic staff and students of the department are published in the sections "Theoretical Electrical Engineering" and "High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics".
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015