Admission of foreign citizens to master's degree programme (part-time education)
Specialty "Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics", Profile program "Electrotechnical devices and electrotechnological complexes"
Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering in Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics invites foreign prospective students with bachelor's degree to study in Ukraine for master's degree on new educational program "ELECTROTECHNICAL DEVICES AND ELECTROTECHNOLOGICAL COMPLEXES"!
Cost of education for foreign citizens in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 2019/2020 academic year for master's degree programme (part-time education) is $2000 per year. Duration of study is 1.5 years.
Graduate studies will be devoted to preparing students for the following tasks:
- ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of digital equipment (microprocessor relay protection devices, automation, control, signaling and communication) with an electromagnetic environment at various power facilities with powerful power electrical installations
- design of electrical energy storage systems
- providing the lightning protection devices for cottages, wind turbines, solar panels, electrical substations, communication lines and power transmission lines
- proper selection and operation of surge protection devices
- everything one need to know about diagnostics and testing of electrical equipment
The master's program is aimed at studying the academic disciplines that graduates really need in their professional activity. All laboratory work will be carried out in Ukraine’s largest high-voltage laboratory, which is located in the department.
Entrance tests for admission to Master degree programme consist of:
- specialty examination;
- foreign language examination;
- additional entrance examination (for persons who earned bachelor's degree in other specialty).
Our consultants on admission to the University for citizens of Ukraine and foreign prospective students:
Associate professor Vadym Lobodzynskyy:
- Email:
- Telephone, Viber, Telegram: +380956672717